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Virtual Dataset


Virtual Dataset defines a virtual data reference. The result is always a table with clear columns and as many rows as needed. The data can come directly from a Source System, for example, through a Function, be assembled through various combination logics and data modelings, as in the case of a Model, or be generated through more complex calculation logics, as with a Code-File.

Platform Request

A Platform Request always refers to the request of a Virtual Dataset. A Platform Request is always triggered by an user requesting for data and can be done from the following components of VDP:

  • Applications: All applciations connected by the App Connectors like Excel or Microsoft Power BI allow the user to trigger Platform Requests and thereby load Virtual Datasets into their preferred analytical application.
  • Modeler: While creating Models within the Modeler which combine and transform several Virtual Datasets, Platform Requests can be executed to apply data operations step by step.
  • Testbench: The Testbench is a small component in the Portal available for Functions and Models in the menu 'Virtual Datasets'. It can be used to test the execution of configured Functions initially.

Please be aware, that the testbench does not have the full functionality as the apps have. That means, it cannot handle all types of Paramenters.