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A Model is a core concept of Virtual Data Platform and combines several single tasks to one job for the platform by executing these tasks sequentially. These tasks can be other Functions to get data, CodeFiles to integrate logic, operations on the processed data or even other Models.

A model is created within the Portal and edited by using the Modeler.
Specific information, such as the 'Short Name,' uniquely identifies each model. Other customizable details include 'Caching' (either 'Not cached' or 'User-based cache (short term)') and the 'State.' Caching facilitates repeated loads in a short period, while the state informs the user whether a function is in 'preview', 'stable', or 'deprecated'.

To structure and organize models, they can be grouped by using Categories.

Additional Information

Dynamic Parametrization

Dynamic parametrization is achieved through Parameters, enabling users to modify received output of a Model directly from the applications. Of course, Model parameter values can also be entered directly in the Modeler using the Parameter Values section.

Data Transformation

There exist various different possibilities to transform the data, ranging from the aggregation and merge of different single data sets retrieved by Functions, to individual customation of specific cells in tables.

Details can be found in the specific documentation for Modeler Operators and Modeler Datasets.

Connecting Model nodes

You can simply connect two nodes (Platform request or Data Operator) by clicking the right side of a node (outgoing arrow) and connecting the connection line with the left side of the to be connected node (incoming arrow). Some Data Operators also offer the possibility to build up connections using the respective editor.
You can delete a connecting line by selecting it.

Result node

Represents the data sink of the model. Its values will be shown when the model is executed.
This node must be connected if the model is to be used in any client.

Renaming Model nodes

By hovering over the name of a Model node you can change the name and description of the node.

The navigation bar offers various helpful commands and settings:

  • Save und Load Model
  • Undo and Redo
  • Open Model in Portal
  • Try Model in Testbench
  • Toggle direction: Left to right or top to bottom

Further, by selecting multiple nodes simultaneously using ctrl and right-click you can visually group nodes to better structure and organize your Model.

When selecting or right-clicking a node, users have the possibility to clear the cache, refresh the preview, clone, edit (also via double-click) or delete a node. Note that you can delete or clone multiple nodes simultaneously by using ctrl. If multiple nodes are cloned simultaneously, also the respective relationships between the original nodes are cloned.

Each node also displays some interesting execution information such as row count, processing time, etc.