This section provides a description how functions to connect to a JSON REST API. Before you can create a function, make sure, that you have already created a system within a system line.
Connect to a JSON REST API
In order to connect to a JSON REST API, create a new function in the menu "Virtual Datasets" and directly assign it to a category. For JSON REST API, select the technical handler according to the following screenshot:
Fill all other configuration (e. g. a descriptive Short Name and Description) as specified. Do not forget to setup the authentication carefully, if you enabled it in the system configuration. BOLD options are REQUIRED.
HTTP_BODY: This is required in case the HTTP_METHOD is a "POST" or a "PUT". Define the body for the "POST" here.
HTTP_METHOD: Available methods are "POST", "GET", "PUT" and "DELETE", whereas "GET" is default.
START_OBJECT: Is empty if response provides JSON array, otherwise the name of the JSON object which contains the data to show.
URL: The url to load the JSON-File from. Use defined function parameters in the URL by putting them in double curly brackets, e. g.