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SAP HANA Procedures

This section provides information on how to connect to SAP HANA Procedures. Before you can create a Function, make sure that you have already created a respective System within a System Line.

Connect to SAP HANA Table

In order to connect to SAP HANA Procedures, create a new Function in the menu 'Functions, Models and Code-Files' and directly assign it to a Category.
Next, select the relevant Technical Handler 'HANA_Procedure'.
Fill all other configuration (e. g. a descriptive Short Name and Description) as specified.

For the Technical Parameters, please specify the following options. The options in BOLD are REQUIRED:

  • PROCEDURE: Name of the procedure to be executed.
  • SCHEMA: Name of the schema the procedure is located in. Optional if the user's default schema is used or the schema is defined in the connection string of the System.


HANA Procedures support single values Parameters for all available data types.

After saving the settings (including enabling the function), you can open the 'Test Bench' via the button 'Try in Test Bench' and execute the Query. After a second the data should appear below in a table.