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System and System Line Configuration

This section provides details about how to create a System Line and a System for a ODBC Connection which allows you to connect relational databases like a MS SQL Server. Details on how to create a specfic Function is provided separately.

Create a System Line

First, we need to create a System Line. Therefore, we go to the VDP Portal, select the menu item 'System Lines' and click on the grey button 'New System Line'. A new window appears where the system line can be specified.

Create new System Line for SQL Server

For the System Line the configuration is straightforward and equivalent to the other kinds of System Line configurations:

  • Kind: RelationalDatabase

  • Authentication: Enabled (to be able to configure it on System or Function level.)

  • Short Name: Descriptive and identifying name, in this example we use the 'SQL' database.

Create a System

After creating the System Line, a System can be created. It can be done in the same menu by clicking on the button 'New System' in the right window.

Create new System for SQL Server

The following information have to be provided for 'System data', 'Authentication Configuration' and 'Technical parameters'.

System data

  • Short Name: A descriptive and identifying name. During this example we use the name 'FRUITS'.

  • Location: Assign the System to a Location (has to be created and enabled before)

  • Authentication: Here several options are available, it also depends if it should be enabled on System Line level

    • Delegated: The authentication is specified on the individual Function
    • Shared Basic Auth (User and Password): Define a user and a password which is used for all Functions of this System.

The options 'Azure AD OAuth2' and 'Per User Basic Auth (User and Password)' can be selected but are not enabled yet.

After providing the system data information and creating the System, additional information might be required:

Authentication Configuration

In case of Shared Basic Auth (User and Password): Define the User Name and the Password which should be used

Technical parameters

  • CONNECTION_STRING: The connection string to the underlying relational database. Please do not insert authentication details (e.g. username or password). This parameter is required. An example of a MS SQL Server running on a Docker container on a Linux Server is the following: Server=host.docker.internal,1433;Database=FruitsDatabase;TrustServerCertificate=Yes;. For a MS SQL Server running on a Docker container locally, e.g., for test purposes the connection string is as follows: Server=localhost,1433;Database=fruits_db;.

  • DRIVER_NAME: Provide the name of the relational database driver of the underlying database. For example SQL Server in case of a MS SQL Server running on a Windows OS or ODBC Driver 18 for SQL Server in case the database is running in a Linux OS.