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Microsoft Graph Query

This section provides information on how to connect Microsoft Graph queries. Before creating a Function, ensure you have already created the corresponding System within a System Line.

Connect a Microsoft Graph Query

In order to connect a MicrosoftGraph query, create a new Function in the menu 'Virtual Datasets' and directly assign it to a Category.
Next, select the relevant Technical Handler 'MicrosoftGraph_Table'.
Fill all other configuration (e. g. a descriptive Short Name and Description) as specified.

For the Technical Parameters, please specify the following options. The options in BOLD are REQUIRED:

  • RELATIVE_SITE_URL: The relative path on the Microsoft Graph (e.g. '/me', '/users/{{id}}'. Use defined Function Parameters in the path by putting them in double curly brackets, e. g. {{my_param}}.
  • SELECT: A comma-separated list of select-parameters (fields) within the given graph-path. When empty, the default field-list is returned.


  • PARAMETER: Parameter type for Microsoft Graph, must be appended to the RELATIVE_SITE_URL by using double curly brackets.
    • Cardinality: Single Value
    • Data Type: String

Parameters for functions that use the Technical Handler 'MicrosoftGraph_Table' are still under construction.