System and System Line Configuration
This section provides all information which is relevant for the configuration of a System Line and a System of kind 'Workday'. It can be created and administrated in the Portal's menu System Lines.
System Line
The System Line configuration is equivalent to the other kinds of System Line configurations:
Kind: Workday
Authentication: Enabled
Short Name: As usual a descriptive and identifying name
System data
Short Name: A descriptive and identifying name
Location: Assign the System to a Location (has to be created and enabled before)
Authentication (further information in the section Authentication Configuration):
- Shared OAuth2 Code Flow
- Azure AD SAML (not yet enabled)
After providing the System data information and saving additional information is required:
Technical Parameters
- TENANT_NAME: Tenant name in Workday.
Authentication Configuration
The following authentication methods can be used for Systems of kind 'Workday'.
OAuth2 Code Flow
- OAuth2 User Name
- OAuth2 Password
- OAuth2 Client ID
- OAuth2 Client Secret