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Salesforce Objects

This section explains how to connect to Salesforce Objects. Before creating a Function, ensure you have already created the corresponding System within a System Line.

Connect to a Salesforce Object

In order to connect to a Salesforce Object, create a new Function in the menu 'Virtual Datasets' and directly assign it to a Category.

Next, select the relevant Technical Handler 'Generic'.

Fill all other configuration (e. g. a descriptive Short Name and Description) as specified.

For the Technical Parameters, please specify the following options. The options in BOLD are REQUIRED:

  • FIELD_SELECTION: Fields to be selected for the output. If empty or '*', all fields will be selected.
  • OBJECT_NAME: Name of the object to be extracted, e.g. Account

The 'FIELD_SELECTION' can also be used for aggregation as given in the following example:

Example: CustomerName;Country;SUM(TotalRevenue)

List the columns you want to aggregate, separated by semicolons, and write the column you want to aggregate in a SUM() function. Grouping is done automatically based on all non-aggregated columns (in this example: CustomerName & Country).


  • FIELD_VALUE: Value to be used for filtering.
    • Cardinality: Single Value or List
    • Data Type: all, but Date or Time
    • Additional Properties:
      • FIELD_NAME: Name of the field to be filtered on. If empty, the name of the parameter will be used.