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This section provides information on how to connect to a SharePoint Online CSV file. Before creating a Function, ensure you have already created the corresponding System within a System Line.

Connect to a SharePointOnline CSV-File

In order to connect to a SharePointOnline CSV file, create a new Function in the menu 'Virtual Datasets' and assign it to a Category.

Next, select the relevant Technical Handler 'SharePointOnline_CSVFile'.

Fill all other configuration (e. g. a descriptive Short Name and Description) as specified.

For the Technical Parameters, please specify the following options. The options in BOLD are REQUIRED:

  • COLUMN_DELIMITER: Column delimiter, e.g., ';'. Use ' ' for TSV-separation.
  • COLUMN_INDEXES: Column indexes you want to select, starting with 0. Ignored if you select all COLUMN_NAMES using '*'.
  • COLUMN_NAMES: Column names you want to display in the header. Use '*' to select all columns.
  • DOCUMENT_LIBRARY_NAME: The name of the Document-Library (e. g. Documents).
  • FILE_NAME: The file-name within the Document-Library. Use a path for subfolders e. g. /folder1/folder2/myFile.csv.
  • RELATIVE_SITE_URL: The relative site-url (e. g. /sites/myTeamSite or /sites/myDepartmentSite/myProjectSite/mySubSite).
  • ROWS_TO_SKIP: Number of rows to skip.

In case the CSV file contains special characters, like the German 'ä', 'ü' or 'ö', please make sure that the CSV file is UTF-8 enabled.



Since CSV files do not provide any additional meta information about column types, Parameters are not supported in Virtual Data Platform.