Any source loading data into a Model is a dataset.
Input Table
An input table allows you to create a static dataset. You can either enter it manually or upload an existing CSV file.
You can define column headers and data types w/o additional transformation steps.
Platform Request
With a platform request you can integrate an existing Function, Model, Code File or value list into your Model.
You can customize these platform requests by filtering the parameters that are defined in the configuration of the Function, Model, Code File or value list.
Further, Model parameters can be referenced to the parameters of the respective platform request:
- Connect the desired Model parameter to your platform request
- Select the parameter using the Source dropdown next to the to be filtered platform request parameter
The Model parameter data type and the data type of the platform request must match. Operators and signs are set via the Model parameter value input.
For platform requests of type Function you can change the queried system of the configured system line by expanding the Options section of the platform request.
For platform requests of type Function and handler type SAP BW make sure to filter the parameter LANGUAGE (to be configured on function level). As the default language of the users may differ in the source system this static filter prevents potential consequential issues in the Model.
An iteration is a repeated execution of a platform request.
Fig. 1 Editor for the iteration dataset.
By specifying a source representing the iteration list you can execute the platform request one time for each record in the dataset. The parameters required for the execution of the platform request can be entered as constant values, can be taken from the iteration list or from any other connected source.
Make sure to double check the amount of records in the iteration list, as it represents the amount of executions of a platform request. The amount of records in the Modeler preview is limited and does not represent the real number of rows.